Core components


The main application is the django framework which loads the three django applications which make up standards lab.

  • ui

  • api

  • processor

The django framework is configured using:

  • settings/<settings file>





The UI application is further separated into two applications depending on responsibility.

The Django UI application is responsible for:

  • URL routing

  • Http Requests

  • Templates

  • Views

  • Common data templates’ context

The VueJS application is responsible for:

  • Interactivity within the web page

  • Rendering and two way bindings of in-page VueJS templates with data from the API

  • Sending and receiving data from the API


The API provides endpoints primarily for the VueJS application. All responses are JSON format.


  • project/<project-name>

    • GET: returns project configuration

    • POST: (JSON) updates or creates the project configuration (edit mode only)

  • project/<project-name>/upload

    • POST: Upload data to the project. (FormData) FILE required properties uploadType values "schema" or "data" for the different upload types.

  • project/<project-name>/download/<file-name>

    • GET: Returns project file. Optional property attach=true determines if the file should be sent to the browser as an attachment or as data. Default not present.

  • project/<project-name>/process

    • GET: Returns the status(es) and results of any Processor running for specified project

    • POST: (JSON) required properties action value "start", processName value "<name-of-processor>"


The processor is responsible for starting, defining and communicating with processing jobs. Each processor implements a start function and a monitor function.

When you run Standards Lab using docker-compose, the redis queue data is persisted in the _build/redis-data/ directory.


Utility functions that are common to all of the django applications.